Tuesday 29 June 2010

Sweet Pea Stampers Fire

Hi all what a night last night, we had a thunder storm around
half three this morn, then it absolutely chucked it down
for ages. It was so hard it started coming down the chimney
so we had a drip drip drip until it stopped raining.
I got up to go to the loo
and had a nice surprise in the bathroom our pet hamster sat on the
edge of the bath.

She had managed to climb out of the top hatch of her cage
(it had been left open),
although it's been open before and she's never
climbed out, it can't have been the easiest thing to do.
I've got visions of her swinging like your on monkey bars,
to the Mission Impossible music.
I am so glad i got up because god knows where
she could have ended up.

Anyway onto my card for today it's for the
challenge over at Sweet Pea Stampers.
The fab theme this week is
Earth, Wind and Fire.
I have chosen Fire as my birthday is a fire sign.

The stamp i have used is called 'Shining on'
She has been coloured with promarkers and the background
i used a big and juice stamp pad.
The papers are from DCWV once upon a time stack.
gold mirri card, gold ribbon, flowers are papermania
and I've used card candy in orange for the centres and corners.
The leaves are from a Martha Stewart and Woodware punches,
i used card sprayed in orange cosmic shimmer mist.
I glittered her wing with star dust stickles glitter glue.

I'll get back to my housework now before
tennis starts (come on Andy).

ta ta 4 now


  1. Angie what a night and what a cute little hamster x And what a card I totally adore what you have done with this beautiful stamp. Thanks for sharing with us at Sweet Pea Stampers hugs Pascale

  2. totally gorgeous card, love it to bits have doen you as a recommend on my blog xxx

  3. I once had to rescue a hamster from behind a gas fire! She had to be tempted out with cheese and then grabbed. Love your card and glad that the hamster is now safe and sound - they are really little furry Houdinis! Jo x

  4. wow the colours on this are just gorgeous! your whole creation is just so beautiful and magical! Hugs Juls

  5. Hi Angie thank you for your lovely comment on my blog & for becoming a follower it really does mean a lot. I've been having a peekski around your blog & all I can say is....WOW...your cards are fabulous & your colouring is to die for. I'm a huge Magnolia fan but I just love Sweet Pea stamps for their uniqueness, even tho they did make me nervous at 1st lol.....will pop in aain see you soon, take care.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xx
    P.S. Glad your hamster is safe now lol

  6. Hi Angie

    I just found your lovely blog and beautiful card by clicking through the Sweet Pea Stampers entries ;-)

    Totally love your cards and have become a follower of your blog! I see you are from Lancashire, you are probably not that far from me as I am in Bolton.

    Take care

    Sarah x

  7. Meant to add I did pop by your blog once before as we were both top 3 in the same Sir Stampalot challege ;-)

    Sarah x


Thanks for all your wonderful comments
i love to read them
and they are much appreciated.
Hugs to you all Angie x


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