Tuesday 20 July 2010

Have a Hoot

Hi all, yes it's still raining here in Lancashire,
it's hardly stopped since last week.
I'm sat here looking out my window and i can see
a Blackbird sheltering under my camper looking
like a drowned rat. But still we have a hosepipe ban
you've got to laugh! although with all this rain we don't
need to water the garden.

My card today is for the fab Sweet Pea Stampers
challenge, this week they have a colour theme
Black, White and a colour of you choice.
I have chosen Green.

The stamp i have used is one that i got as a prize
for winning the card of the month for June at
Sweet pea Stampers.
It's called Brown Hat Spring Fairy by Elaine Cox,
this is the first stamp I've got from this range but
I'm sure it won't be the last.
I have used a mixture of Copics and promarkers,
and my new Marianne Creatables frame and flourish die's
these are fab.
The sentiment is computer generated.
The paper was free from a magazine and i have
used a Martha Stewart flower punch for a border.

Thanks for looking today
ta ta


  1. Hi Angie

    Gorgeous card, love the image!

    Not sure where abouts in Lancashire you are but in this part of Lancs it has been bouncing down - me and the kids resembled the blackbird you described by the time we got in from the school run!
    Sarah x

  2. Hi Angie,
    Wow! I love this! We've used the same stamp and got such different results! I love your colour choice and the frame is just perfect.
    Thanks for joining in with the Sweet Pea Stampers this week.
    Jen x

  3. Hi Angie I see you purchased the gorgeous die. It looks fantastic. The image looks so beautiful in the colours you have chosen to. I totally adore this.
    I hope it stops tipping it down. We could do with some here in the South all the grass is burnt away xxx Thanks for joining us at Sweet Pea Stampers Hugs Pascale

  4. Wow this is so pretty and I love your banner too :D You have made me want this stamp.
    Thank you for joining us at sweet pea stampers and good luck.


    Amy xx

  5. Congratulations on winning such a gorgeous stamp - I think I am going to buy this one. Your card is so elegant - love it


Thanks for all your wonderful comments
i love to read them
and they are much appreciated.
Hugs to you all Angie x


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