Tuesday 4 February 2014

Crochet cushion

I'm beginning to think I have a serious crochet problem and wandering around
Blog land doesn't help. 
I keep seeing lots of beautiful projects I want to make and
i have to tell you that I've started yet another project, this time it's a cushion.

This picture is my inspiration I love the colours they just grabbed me hook, line and sinker.
The cushion is made by Gillian at Tales from a happy house, she has made some wonderful things  well worth a visit.
I couldn't wait to get stuck in so I raided my stash for similar colours and made up a similar 

Thank goodness it's a quick project these squares make up in no time at all.  
I've also spotted another throw to add to the long list of things to do but I'll tell you about
that another time.

Look at these pretty roses I couldn't resist when I saw them
they are such a delicate colour.
Well we have to treat ourselves now and again it's the law. He! He!
And look at the tissue box it's got balls of wool and buttons on it so I couldn't say


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Thanks for all your wonderful comments
i love to read them
and they are much appreciated.
Hugs to you all Angie x


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